Terms of Service

Effective Date: March 2025

1. General

Repertoire (repertoire.cards) is a note-taking app designed for stage performers, provided by Gábor Pintér (sole entrepreneur, Hungary). By using the app, you agree to these Terms.

2. Accounts & Data

3. Premium Features

4. Beta Disclaimer

The app is in beta. Bugs may occur, and data loss is possible. Use at your own risk.

5. Age Restriction

You must be 18 or older to use Repertoire.

6. Changes

These Terms may change. The latest version is always available at repertoire.cards.

7. Contact

Gábor Pintér
2144 Kerepes, Ibolya utca 6/A, Hungary
VAT no: 46117201141
Email: gabor@repertoire.cards

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